Saturday, October 22, 2011


My first FNSI was not as productive as I had hoped. I got a call from my son saying that my 2 month old grandaughter has had a cough and they took her to the doctor. While listening to her chest, something alerted the Dr and after more tests they found that she has a leaking valve in her heart. The doctors are hopeful that since she was a premie, the valve should seal off, but more tests are in her future. That being said--I did not get much accomplished. I did straighten my sewing room closet......

and I came upon my first attempt at quilting. I bought this quilt top at a yard sale and thought it would good for me to learn on. I was so close to finishing it but was totally overwhelmed by too big of a project for my first try. I put it away and moved on to other things. I have drug it out and vowed not to start any other projects till it is finished!

all I lack are the red stars around the edge--

1 comment:

  1. Sorry to hear about your grandaughter. Good thing they caught it early though and can keep an eye on her. Your closet is looking great! Straighten up things always helps me be more productive. Your quilt looks great. I'm sure you'll do fine with it! Thanks for sharing! Have a Great Day! :)
